Sunday, May 12, 2013

People are too dependent on technology

     In my personal opinion people of all generations depend on technology way too much. There are smart phones, iPads, iPhones, iPods, and laptops that teens, adults and even some younger children who couldn't go a day without one of those items. It's actually quite upsetting when you compare the nineteen hundreds to now. Back then they didnt have anything we have today and most people take that for granted. If you grew up in the nineteen hundreds you didn't have a phone to text or call your friends you had to physically go to their house and see them. Or, if you had an assignment due in school, they would have to hand write it or use a type writer. Some people dont realize how lucky they are to have as much technology as they do and be able to accomplish tasks so easily. We take advantage of what we have,over use it, and under appreciate it. I can admit that I'm one of those people. I can't picture my life without a phone and without people to text people that I enjoy talking to. I'd imagine myself being bored but I don't really know how it is to not have technology. I grew up in a generation where it's normal to be dependent on phones and computers but 30 years ago people didnt even know what I computer was and would think it's crazy to talk about communicating with people through a cell phone. People including myself need to realize how lucky we are and how easy we have it all because of the Internet and phones. 

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